Fall of American Empire

Just like the Roman empire, America has built a large country using its organized government and laws. Some people wonder if America is nearing its decline like Rome did thousands of years ago.

Read two of the articles on the Google Doc about modern-day America. Write three facts about each topic and make a claim answering the following question: Is America on the verge of decline like Rome? Provide evidence from the articles you read.


As we approach the first day of school, it is time to get organized and start thinking about the year ahead. Along those lines, I wanted to introduce you to the online extension of your Honors World Studies class…this website. Here you can learn more about me and my expectations for the year. You can also access all your assignments and calendars throughout the year on this site.

Weekly, this will be where I post all the information about what we covered in class and any homework you might have assigned. Use this if you missed class, lost a worksheet or just want to review for a test. If you post a comment to any post here, I will get an email and I can follow up with you directly. However you can always just email me directly at pstallings@cps.edu as well.

Each post will be categorized based on which unit it relates to for easy navigation. You can view all the posts for a certain unit by clicking on the category on the right hand side.